Dienstag, 26. August 2008

Einen töten, Tausend retten - Stefan Niggemeier

Bestimme dein Schicksal! Lass die Kugeln sprechen
- Artikel
Einmal mehr: Blogger vs. Qualitätsjournalismus, diesmal RTL.

Samstag, 16. August 2008

Dienstag, 12. August 2008

xkcd - Faust 2.0


Samstag, 9. August 2008

How we did it - Stefan Niggemeier

Und dann ist da Barack Obama. Der Mann, der offenbar noch cooler ist, als alle ohnehin schon glauben:

On the eve of his speech to the Democratic convention in 2004, the speech that effectively launched him as the party’s hope of the future, he took a walk down a street in Boston with his friend Marty Nesbitt. A growing crowd followed them. „Man, you’re like a rock star,” Nesbitt said to Obama. „He looked at me,” Nesbitt recalled in a story he liked to tell reporters, „and said, ‚Marty, you think it’s bad today, wait until tomorrow.’ And I said, ‚What do you mean?’ And he said, ‚My speech is pretty good’.”
- Artikel